Wansian (Jo) is a creative based in New York, providing graphic design & art direction services primarily within the art & design, fashion, culture and hospitality fields.
She finds fullfillment in the process of brand development, starting from thorough research, and conceptualization, to experiment and final execution.
Tranqwil Branding
Tranqwil BrandingTranqwil BrandingTranqwil Branding
Tranqwil Branding
Tranqwil Branding
Branding for Yawn with Associates by Design VISIT SITE . INSTAGRAMMuye BrandingREAD MORE Branding for 穗, a Dessert ShopRemerciement Visual IdentityREAD MOREMy Song Poster, PotlandE9 Museum BrandingREAD MORE
With Tory Bruch >2022 Japan LINE Holiday Calendar Menu 2022 Japan LINE Holiday Calendar Menu 2022 Korea Holiday Homepage 2022 Korea Holiday Homepage 2022 Europe Holiday Homepage >2022 Europe Holiday Homepage
Hui Gang BrandingMonogram for Ashley StarkMotion Design for Graduation ExhibitionWith Sub Rosa Digital Innovation Team